Eat Snacks, Avoid Tax Shirt
#Nicezoneclothing Fashion LLC The key to making money in this business is simply to avoid debt payments or high rents. Also selecting the right presses, screen mesh, and emulsions is a key component to printing non-stop. In all automatic press cases discussed, if the machine stops due to poor screens, you lose money every minute it is down. If you take a look at the most popular shirts or best selling t shirts that are out right now or in the past they all share a concept of simple design. I would say to take a look at what stores are selling / Advertising graphic tees and take a look at the designs and you will find that they are pretty simple design ideas. 1 or 2 colors at the most and images or graphics that are easy for the human eye to pick up and tell right away what the image or message is. #Nicezoneclothing Fashion LLC There are many B2B websites of online clothing wholesalers in the world today. These online websites make it easy for companies to trade with companies on t...